
gallery grabber qed 2
gallery grabber qed 2
gallery grabber qed 2
gallery grabber qed 2
gallery grabber qed 2

gallery grabber qed 2APP简介

Gallery Grabber QED is for downloading photos and image files from web based picture galleries to your hard-drive.

gallery grabber qed 2APP亮点

To find out in more detail which websites Gallery Grabber QED 2 works with and which ones it doesn’t please visit the developer’s website.

Drag a gallery page link from your browser to Gallery Grabber’s main interface to download gallery images. There is a built in app extension for Safari for even easier, one-click grabbing.

Gallery Grabber QED was designed to download from the majority of galleries with little or no user intervention. It can automatically determine the type of web gallery that has been dropped, extracting only the gallery images themselves - leaving banners, thumbnails and page design behin

Gallery Grabber understands three fundamental types of web gallery

Gallery Page - a single webpage with large gallery images embedded within the pag

Thumbnail Picture Gallery - a single webpage with small to medium thumbnail images which lead to larger gallery images.

Thumbnail Page Gallery - a webpage with small to medium thumbnail images which lead to other webpages with embedded gallery images.

In addition to this, Gallery Grabber QED 2 has special built in knowledge for a number of specific websites featuring galleries.

Gallery Grabber QED 2 does not support frame pages, some password protected sites and sites that prevent image downloading with Flash and other methods. If most of your downloads are from galleries such as these, you might want to consider using an alternative application such as a spider or a bot. Although these may not be as easy or straight forward to use, they should give you the extra features you require to get at these more stubborn galleries.

See the developer’s website for more information on which websites are covered and which ones are not.

Gallery Grabber QED 2 V2.0.5更新日志

Added a Gallery Queue window, so that you can review the galleries that are waiting to be processe

Fixed support for BringATrailer.com listings.



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