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Reveal the Hidden Objects to feel total satisfaction!Reveal Hidden Objects to reveal their sparkling nature. Watch objects rotate on their own. Your job is to swipe and Reveal the hidden objects and then paint them.- Rotate the objects and watch the

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A Editora Salesiana Edebê Brasil desenvolveu um novo aplicativo para leitura dos livros digitais interativos. Leia todos os livros pelo seu smartphone!O primeiro App preparado para a sala de aula! Acesse de qualquer lugar. Navegue on-line diretament

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通过ESL老师推荐的排名第一的英语口语应用程序,自信地说一口清晰流利的英语吧!Blue Canoe是一款虚拟AI老师带你学习的有趣应用程序,可以让其他人轻松理解您的英语表达。每天仅需10分钟,便可有惊人的进展。这是一款由英语教师和语言脑科学专家设计的游戏,Blue Canoe可以帮助您

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Eng/Tamil Catholic Bible - If you are the person who like to compare the bible words in your native language Tamil, this app is for you. This is the first bilingual app for Catholic Bible. We have all the 73 books in both English and Tamil language.