
兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前
兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前
兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前
兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前
兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前
兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前

兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前APP简介

The “Little Stories” series is a collection of fairy tales in which your kid plays the main role. It's quite simple – just enter your kid's name and gender into the settings window and enjoy reading fairy tales about your son or daughter.

兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前APP亮点

To make it even cooler, we've added beautiful melodies and wonderful pictures to help you raise your child by giving him or her only positive examples. Moreover, you can also make your own audiobooks! Just spend a few minutes to voice-over the story.

Let love and kindness fill your family’s leisure time to make your life and the world around you happier!

Why “Little Stories”?

1700+ pictures

Gender determines the choice of illustrations

41 exciting fairy tales so far and more to come

Enchanting music accompanies each story

You can create audiobooks by recording your own voice!

1st place in the “Entertainment” category of Rating Runet in 2018!

1st place in the “App For Kids” category of Golden App in 2016!

3rd place in the “Entertainment” category of Golden App in 2017!

We’d like to tell you more about the process behind creating stories for kids so that you have a better idea about the hard work we put into “Little Stories”.

It all begins with searching for an author. He/she can live in any country of the world, but the important thing is that he/she is able to create an interesting and insightful story. Before writing a bedtime story, the author has to read the conditions first. For example, the story may not contain more than 50 scenes (each of which can consist of 146 symbols max.) otherwise the text won’t fit into the app. Once the story has been completed, the next stage can begin.

It is now time to create the storyboard. A storyboard is a selection of simple sketches for each of the illustrations of the story. It gives us a better idea about the visual images of the children’s story.

Once the storyboard has been approved, we move on to searching for an illustrator. It should be noted that not all styles might be appropriate for a certain bedtime story and, therefore, it’s important to achieve a perfect fit between the story and the illustration styl

Meanwhile, the composer creates the melody. Both the story itself and the artist’s illustrations serve as inspiration for the creation of music. The composer also has conditions to meet: the melody must be soothing and prepare children for a good night’s sleep since most often stories are read for bedtim

What’s more, we also translate our stories for kids into other languages.

But that’s not the end! It’s important to see how the book for kids looks inside the app. Line breaks should be checked to make sure the text looks nice and neat. This is done by two professionals: the programmer and the tester.

Only after this final step do we release the story for kids. This entire process might take anywhere from two to nine months. So, it’s a hard, but interesting, journey!

We continuously add new fairy tales to our collection!

Fairy tales are designed for kids aged 3+.

Follow us on: facebook.com/diveomedia

兔兔睡前故事-英文阅读, 绘本故事睡前 V3.21.1更新日志

Minor improvements and bug fixes.



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