
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack
safe food gamepack

safe food gamepackAPP简介

The Gamepack has games for food handler training that intend to meet three goals.

safe food gamepackAPP亮点

Build comprehensive, key food safety skills to last over time

Be fun – but not gimmicky

Fit into a classroom or business

The Gamepack is an optional learning tool – before or after you’ve earned a food handler certificate. It is a companion to Cogneti’s Safe Food Handler Certificate Program that is ANSI-accredite

Try it out! It’s free to use. Your email, name, scores, and all personal data stay secure and privat

As of August 2021 the Gamepack includes two games. SHERLOCK and A RAG MAN (pending release later in 2021). SHERLOCK is a guess-the-picture game that tests and builds food safety knowledge using general-interest picture categories like AKC Dogs, Oscar Winners, Pop Stars, Famous Athletes, and Classic Cars.

How to Use,Use the Safe Food Handler Gamepack as an individual, manager, or instructor.INDIVIDUAL,As a single Gamepack user you should set three goals to build long-term recall of food safety.

Play at least once a day for 30 days.

Look to improve your game score each time you play

Try to earn a spot on the Global Top 10 list that's shown within the app.


As a food safety manager use the Gamepack to create a short and simple safety spotlight for pre-shift meetings. This can be used as continuous training program for your organization. Once a week, add this Training Spotlight activity to a pre-shift meeting. Have the shift manager follow the below four steps.

Ask each employee to have the Gamepack installed on their mobile. Or have access to the browser app. It’s free, private, and secure. With no advertisements, no personal data harvesting or trackin

Food Safety Focus,Start by briefly mentioning the Food Safety News item available in the Gamepack. These items are updated daily from industry news feeds. Emphasize that food safety matters. (1 minute)

Game Invite,Someone selects the Gamepack game within the app. Then select the 6-minute playtime. Give the 4-digit code to the group. When you see they’ve joined, start the game!

Game play,Employees play at their own pace and experience level. They will see their relative position to each other on an active leaderboard. The game will end at the six minute mark with a clear presentation of top performers!

Recognize,Recognize those with better or improved scores and encourage constant attention to food safety best practic,INSTRUCTOR,As an instructor use the Gamepack for a classroom challenge or homewor

Classroom Challenge,In the classroom just follow the four steps mentioned above for Managers. Use the 6-minute playtime as an in-class gam

Homework,Assign food-safety homework by selecting the 24 hour playtime for overnight homework. Start the game before the end of class, and make sure everyone joins. That way you can see and compare results the following day.If your class meets weekly, then select the 7-day playtime. Again, make sure the game is started before the class ends, and that all students have joine



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